Tuesday, February 14, 2012


If I've directed you here, PLEASE scroll through as many blogs as you can without falling asleep and comment away. I absolutely need the feedback!

If you've stumbled upon this blog on accident, you should know that this blog is purely a sort of "sketchbook" or "bulletin board" for ideas I find floating around the internet for my future house. I have been living in a rental for the past 6 years, but we are currently in the process of buying a house. Since we started the home-buying process, I've been daydreaming extensively about what I will do with it when I get my hands on it! I'm compiling ideas here with no real rhyme or reason. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think of ideas as well. I welcome any feedback including tips, warnings, etc.

A final note: my style is a sort of contemporary modern meets french farmhouse mashup. While I love the barnwood and distressed look, I refuse to have white walls or white cabinets or too much pink and lace. I like a relatively simple room that beckons you in and compels you to touch things. I like organized chaos (like collections of blue bottles) and decor with a very personal touch. We also have dogs and plan to have a big family (read: messy, crazy kids) so things need to be ready for that, especially if they are investment pieces. I fully recognize how immature and under developed my taste is. I have a general idea of what I like when it comes to a big picture. I am extremely decisive when it comes to individual items. I just have a hard time putting the big picture together sometimes.

Hopefully someday I will be able to post pictures that incorporate all of the great ideas that come from this blog!

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